Volcano Teide has recently joined the Charter for Sustainability for activities in areas of natural interest in Tenerife.
This document commits us to a model for sustainable tourism based on excellence and quality, which will bring benefits to our island.

The Charter for Sustainability for activities in areas of natural interest
By signing up to this Charter, Volcano Teide is making a one step further towards sustainability of its activities and a voluntary commitment to adhere to its 15 points: points that relate to regulatory compliance in the fields of tourism, the environment and transport; collaboration with the Authorities; care of the environment; economic impact, cultural heritage and aiming for excellence in the provision of service.
In order to be accepted as a signatory to this charter, Volcano Teide underwent an audit to evaluate the position of the company in relation to the required commitments.
Its acceptance was announced publicly on 25 January 2022 during the presentation of awards for the Sustainable Tourism Practices Competition (sponsored by the Tenerife Island Council through Turismo Tenerife)—a ceremony at which Teleférico del Teide received an award.
2023 Update:
Every year, the Tenerife Tourism Authority undertakes an audit of each of the businesses signed up to the Charter for Sustainability for Activities in Areas of Natural Interest in Tenerife, in order to check compliance with all the commitments made.
Once again, Volcano Teide successfully passed the 2022 audit, being rated at outstanding, achieving the maximum score in the majority of checks relating to Regulations and Sustainability, and significantly improving on its 2021 score. We will continue working to maintain and consolidate this high standard of commitment to the environment in the years to come.
2024 Update:
According to the latest audit, in 2023 Volcano Teide again surpassed the ratings achieved in the previous year, obtaining the maximum score in virtually every check. We will continue working with the same enthusiasm and dedication to achieve an outstanding, 100% score in all checks—and most of all, to maintain this high standard of commitment to the environment every year.
Would you like to know about the Charter for Sustainability for Activities in Areas of Natural Interest?
If so, you will find an explanation below.
It is a participative initiative developed by the Tenerife Tourism Authority (Turismo de Tenerife), along with the entrepreneurial sector and other departments of the Tenerife Island Council. It aims to continue the differentiation and diversification that the island’s tourism offers with regard to environmental sustainability, and with social and economic criteria.
Its main objective is to increase and improve the quality of the service, and also the sustainability of the offer of activities in the natural environment provided by active tourism companies in Tenerife.
Companies signing up to the Charter for Sustainability for Activities in Areas of Natural Interest make a voluntary commitment to abide by the 15 points of the Charter, which were drawn up with the active involvement of the sector.
This collective vision seeks to strengthen the partnership and network that already exists among the various professionals working in the sector and the different authorities with responsibilities for the island’s natural spaces. All of this demonstrates a commitment to nature, to the local population and to visitors to the island.
The goal is to offer visitors a significant and transformative tourist experience, which must also be both sustainable and respectful of the environment.

The 15 points of the Charter for Sustainability for Activities in Areas of Natural Interest
The 15 points of the Charter for Sustainability for Activities in Areas of Natural Interest are grouped into three areas: regulation, sustainability and excellence.
They are summarised below.
Regulatory area
The regulatory area includes 3 commitments:
COMMITMENT 1 – Working within the legal framework. Companies will comply with existing regulations in regard to tourism, the environment and transport.
COMMITMENT 2 – Supplying up-to-date information to the authorities. Companies will keep up-to-date information on their activity, and will inform the relevant authorities of any changes that may occur.
COMMITMENT 3 – Proactivity in public-private partnership working. Companies will collaborate with the Authorities in the updating, improvement or implementation of all measures relating to the activity they promote in the natural environment
Sustainability area
The sustainability area includes five commitments:
COMMITMENT 4 – Recycling and waste management. Companies will incorporate into their activities materials that are environmentally friendly, and ideally biodegradable. Single-use plastics will be eliminated, and waste will be correctly sorted and deposited in the appropriate containers. In addition, companies will endeavour to pass onto authorised handlers any waste that cannot be managed by the local authority.
COMMITMENT 5 – Awareness raising and care of the environment. Companies will actively collaborate in the cleaning of the environment.
COMMITMENT 6 – Minimisation of the environmental footprint. During the undertaking of activities, companies will work to minimise the possible environmental impact, aiming to achieve a balance with the natural world.
COMMITMENT 7 – Socio-economic development of the surrounding area. Companies signing up to the charter must ensure that their tourism offers—and all related initiatives and services—must be of tangible benefit, directly or indirectly, to the economic development of the island. Companies signing up to the charter will aim for a distribution of their customers over the island’s different natural spaces, thus avoiding overcrowding of hot spots that, by their nature, attract more people.
COMMITMENT 8 – Identity and cultural heritage. The tourism offer must seek to be consistent with the island’s identity, prioritising the unique features of Tenerife and promoting them in innovative formats.

Excellence area
And finally, here are the 6 commitments in the excellence area:
COMMITMENT 9 – Integral vision for the delivery of the service. Tourist activities in the natural world must constitute an essential tool for raising awareness of the need to conserve natural resources—integrating the vision of sustainability into the delivery of services, into excellence and into meeting the needs of customers in this area must be a top priority.
COMMITMENT 10 – Presentation and image. Signatories commit to achieving a flawless image of service and professionalism.
COMMITMENT 11 – Transparency and clarity in dealing with the customer. All information communicated must be clear, direct and truthful. Companies will offer personal advice, in their offices or at their points of sale, with up-to-date information about both their services and the island’s natural spaces, and about anything else relevant to the destination.
COMMITMENT 12 – Presence online and on social networks. Companies will have a presence on the internet and on major social networks, with the objective of maintaining direct contact and of interacting with their customers before, during, and after their visit to the island.
COMMITMENT 13 – Security and health protocols. Companies will adhere strictly to official health protocols, according to the field of activity.
COMMITMENT 14 – Networking and training. Companies will participate in annual Turismo de Tenerife [Tenerife Tourism Authority] training days specifically aimed at signatories to the Charter.
COMMITMENT 15 – Commitment and improvement. Companies will respect their commitment to keep their staff updated with the criteria set out in this charter, thereby guaranteeing awareness of the 15 points contained in this document.

Volcano Teide reaffirms its faithful commitment to the conservation of the environment of Tenerife, and to maintaining excellence in the delivery of the tourism offer in an environment as exceptional as the Teide National Park.