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Visiting Mount Teide with the Cable Car: all you need to know

The great day is approaching: the day of your visit to Mount Teide with the Cable Car, when you will enjoy being on the highest volcano in Spain, with the finest views of Tenerife.

Book your activity with Teide Cable Car

Check the weather on Mount Teide in real time

Did you know that you can check out everything you need to know for your visit before you set off?

A clear day to visit Mount Teide
A typical day on Mount Teide: clear sky

You can check the weather, find out the condition of the facilities, trails and roads, and view Mount Teide in real time via our webcams.

Check the weather on Mount Teide today

Manage your booking if necessary

Some things are outside our control, and that includes adverse weather conditions. But we can control what we do about bookings such as yours if, when the time comes, our facilities are closed due to weather conditions or technical issues.

We explain everything you need to know to manage your booking here

If you have no more doubts and wish to proceed to cancel or change the date of your booking, click on the button below and prepare your booking locator.

Take me to manage my booking


Recommendations and restrictions

What clothes should you wear?

You should be prepared for extremes in weather, both heat as well as cold, depending on the time of year. Broadly, this is what you need to bear in mind:

Graphic with clothing recommendations for visiting Mount Teide with the Cable Car
Clothing recommendations for a satisfactory visit to Mount Teide


  • People with cardiovascular conditions, pregnant women, and children under the age of 3 are not allowed on the Cable Car, because of the risks posed to their health by the altitude.
  • In accordance with current regulations, persons with any physical disability or motor impairment are not permitted to make the ascent by cable car, because of the potential risks if the vehicle has to be evacuated.
  • It is essential to bear in mind that in the event of the failure of the cable car system due to unexpected technical reasons, passengers already at the upper station will have to make their descent on foot and using steep mountain paths.

Take me to book my activity with Teide Cable Car

See how to get to the cable car if travelling independently

But what if you haven’t arranged transport with us or you’re travelling independently, and you don’t know how to reach the cable car? We explain everything in this article about how to reach Teide Cable Car.

If you’d prefer an easy visit without having to worry about the roads, parking and the cable car timetable, let us take charge of everything with our Teide Tour with Cable Car excursion: the best choice.

Visit Teide.Guide and discover what to do on the way to Mount Teide

We want you to enjoy a totally volcanic experience and thats why wed like to introduce you to Teide.Guide: our website for planning your visit to Mount Teide is packed with useful information.

Girls enjoying their visit to Mount Teide
Girls enjoying their 100% volcanic visit to Mount Teide

I want to visit Teide.Guide

Find out how to contribute to a Sustainable Teide

Volcano Teide Experience was created to promote a respectful, informative, safe and enjoyable approach to visiting Mount Teide—one of the most important natural sites in the world. And that is what you can expect from us.

A young #teidelover enjoying his respectful visit to Mount Teide
Visit Mount Teide in a sustainable way like a true #teidelover

We also expect something from you in return: that you help us achieve our mission. How? By acting like a true #teidelover. Let us inform you on how to contribute to the sustainability of Mount Teide here.

Book now your excursion to Mount Teide with cable car include

You haven’t made your reservation yet?

We make it easy for you. Check this comparative table of all activities which include a cable car ride and make a decision.



Well see you soon on the highest peak in Spain! 

Book your activity with the cable car


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