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Ahoy explorer! If you are coming to Tenerife, you must see these guided visits of Teide

For an explorer who is eager to learn and is enthusiastic about nature there is nothing like organising a good holiday and if it is in Tenerife, that makes it even better.

What to visit on the island? What is there to be discovered among so many interesting options?

Tenerife in general and more specifically Teide, is a treasure if you are looking to discover on your own the Canarian culture and the islands natural environment.

For example, one of the most popular activities is going to the cable car upper station and from there discovering Teide on your own. Another popular activity is the Teide guided visit, accompanied by a tour guide and starting from the cable car’s upper station.

Guided visits of Teide for explorersThe reason why the guided visits of Teide organised by Volcano Teide Experience are so popular, is not only because of the many options and adventures the Teide National Park has to offer, but for the following:

  • You will be able to get to know the islands culture, discover its natural environment, enjoy its landscapes and get to know its people.
  • You will be guided by an expert on the subject, who will explain perfectly what Teides cultural, natural and scientific heritage is.
  • Our experiences go hand in hand with the best equipment, from audio guides for exploring on your own to telescopes for observing the sky.
  • They allow you to continue on your own. When the tour is finished you can continue exploring at your own pace, its your choice!

Booking with Volcano Teide is always an advantage, but now: which experience should you choose?

These are our recommendations:

#1 Pico Viejo hiking route

We know that you love finding out what makes the places you visit so unique and this hike is the first of our recommendations for you to do.

You travel up to the Teide National Park by cable car, without queuing and with the certainty that you will be getting on it at the correct time. Okay.

At that moment there are many options available for you to do, but we would like to take you along a route that ends at Pico Viejo, the second highest peak in Spain after Mount Teide.

Guided visits of Teide - Guided Tour to Pico Viejo with Cable CarThis route is magical. You can feel the breath of the volcano. The fumaroles around the area make you realise that you are in one of the worlds unique places and that you are part of it. During this magnificent journey you are accompanied by one of our guides, an expert in Teides natural heritage tongues of lava, the caldera of Las CañadasYou might even meet Guayota! If you dont know who he is dont worry, we will tell you the legend about him when we see you.

You know those small details that come in the form of information and make experiences like this one REALLY worth it? With the guides from Volcano Teide Experiencie you wont miss out on anything!

At the end of the route comes the prize, the crater of the volcano Pico Viejo, the overwhelming feeling of enormity, and in the distance, the islands of La Gomera, El Hierro and La Palma. These are big words.

When the cable car leaves you back at the base station, its your chance to explore other parts of Teide on your own!

#2 Ascent to the peak of Teide: one of the most beautiful routes of Tenerife

This experience also includes the return cable car trip to the upper stationat no more and no less than 3,555 meters above sea level, but on this trip we take you to the top of Mount Teide, the highest peak in Spain, at a height of 3,718 metres.

Guided visits of Teide - Ascent to the Peak by Cable Car with a guide

If you wanted to go up on your own you would need a special permit from the National Park, which could take you months to get due to its high demand and low availability.

With Volcano Teide Experience there is no need to worry about this. We manage the permits for you and take you up comfortably by cable car, accompanied by one of our guides who will tell you about everything that Teide has to offer to the excited and eager to know traveller, which is quite a bit.

When you arrive at the cable car upper station, a one-hour walk awaits you. This is not any walk. During the route you will discover, thanks to your guide, the wonders that the Teide National Park hides.

At the end of the journey you arrive at one of the most extraordinary peaks in the world, where you find the jackpotviews of the islands of La Gomera, El Hierro, La Palma and Gran Canaria, the ocean and the satisfaction of finding yourself on the highest peak in Spain. We suggest that you do not leave your camera at home.

When this activity is finished and as you are already at the cable car base station, how about continuing discovering on your own? Mount Teide is much more than just a volcano!

#3 Sunset & Stars: Teide at sunset

Hawaii and the Canary Islands have more in common besides being and archipelago, they both have the best skies in the world. However, lets start from the beginning. You will be in the most visited National Park in Spain, which will not come as a surprise to you after seeing the amount of treasures it holds. You will understand when you get there. How would you like to explore it on your own during the day before starting the adventure offered by Volcano Teide Experience?

This guided visit of Teide occurs during sunset, allowing you to experience one of the most incredible sunsets of your lifetime. It takes place from Pico Viejo, with its crater at your feet and with the islands of La Gomera, El Hierro and La Palma in the distance. You will arrive at this point after an 8-minute cable car ride and a walking route accompanied by one of our guides, an endless source of information on the volcano’s heritage.

Guided visits of Teide - night excursion with cable carAfter the sun sets you will return to the base camp, located at an altitude of 2,356 metres, where you can enjoy using telescopes in the company of Starlight guides under the beautiful night sky. Are you coming on this journey through the stars?

#4 Guided daytime visit of the Teide Observatory

Our last but not least recommendation has also to do with Teide, however on this occasion with its observatory. Did you know that it is the largest solar observatory on the planet?

This experience will allow you to discover it from the inside. Do you want to feel like a scientist for one day? Get to know what projects the researchers are working on, observe sunspots and solar flares through their telescopes, visit the interior of a nocturnal telescope, participate in an astrophysics workshop

Guided visits of Teide - Teide Observatory daytime visitTenerife is not only beaches and sunshine. It is also wildlife, science and volcanology. It is an open window to the greatness of the Universe and this is what we aim to give you with this guided visit to the Observatory, from which you will leave as an expert in the sky of the Canary Islands. The most incredible scientific heritage of Tenerife is in your reach. Combine it with a route to explore the National Park at your own pace before or after this visit!

Mount Teide, especially for you

We have given you our four recommendations which enable you to discover the wonders of Teide with the help of guides and equipment. With these options you are able to fully immerse yourself in the enormity of Teides cultural, natural and scientific heritage. You can also combine them with a day of exploration of the Natural Park on your own.

However, these four recommendations are not the only experiences available, there are more options to choose from. We have gathered them all for you in this visual calendar, where you will be able to see at a glance the dates, times, duration, what each activity involves and prices, so you can plan your visit to one of the most attractive places for any explorer.



Whatever you decide to do, the landscape will always be waiting for you and as we are so passionate about the formation of this mountain with more than 200,000 years of history we highly recommend visiting Mount Teide if you come to Tenerife, in order to discover everything this National Park has to offer explorers craving for knowledge.

Were waiting for you!

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