For reasons of safety, while activities are being undertaken to control the mouflon population in the Teide National Park, (*) IT IS PROHIBITED TO ACCESS OR STAY IN the whole of the National Park except for those involved in the mouflon operation. Certain paths and areas will remain accessible (see map), as can be seen in the picture below, and by checking here.
The mouflon population control operation will be carried out on the following dates:
During the periods mentioned above, members of the public may not access or be present on the following trails on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays:
Controlling the mouflon population is necessary for the conservation of this space. For further information, please consult Teide National Park staff members.
(*) By resolution of 3 April 2024 by the Tenerife Island Council Office for the Natural Environment, Sustainability, Safety and Emergencies (BOC no. 70, of 9 April 2024).